April 2011



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Apr. 4th, 2011


Week ? : ?

Who: Cricket and Jewel
What: It's about time they interacted
When: ?
Where: ?
Rating: TBD
Status: Open?/Saving

((I swear I'm going to get on these soon; just lemme finish these papers for class -.- ))
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Apr. 2nd, 2011


Week Twenty-Four -- Sunday

Who. Inferno & Josey
What. Interrogation.
Where. Jackal Lodge.
When. Sunday afternoon.
Rating. PG-13.
Status. Closed // In progress.

((Real quick save while I remember before bedtiems. <3))

Mar. 25th, 2011


Week 25 -- Sunday

WHO: Izzy and Blaze
WHAT: She has an idea that she wants to share
WHERE: The halls of the hospital
WHEN: Late afternoon, after the start of the rain
STATUS: Incomplete

A hop, skip and a jump )
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Week 24, Wed.

Who: Lawliss and Junk
Where: Junk's place at the mine
When: Wed. Afternoon
What: Moving
Rating: NC-17 There will be sexy fun times!
Status: In Progress

It had been asked and it had been decided that Lawliss was moving in with Junk. The two wanted to spend a good deal more time with each other and it gave up a room at the Lodge in case someone wanted it. There was a great deal of room in the converted offices of the mine after all. Junk wasn't going to be able to help that much until the power went out right in the middle of her working. Her job was too dangerous, much too dangerous to go about trying to do it in the dark so she had packed everything up all proper like and headed out to help Lawliss.

Before helping would begin she changed into a pair of cutoffs and a tank top. She was used to the heat doing the job she did but that didn't mean she didn't want to be cooler if she could risk it. She washed the soot from her skin and pulled her hair back into a better ponytail and her helping could truly begin.

Junk walked up behind Lawliss and wrapped her arms around his waist. Hands slowly moved up his chest looking for any discomfort in his face or the like. "Should you be doing all this with you being hurt not too long ago?" She took the heavier looking box from him and stuck her tongue out before she moved into the building.
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Mar. 24th, 2011


Week Twenty-Four -- Saturday

Who: Jax and Sumi
Where: The Lodge and said Racquetball Court
When: Saturday early afternoon
Why: Jax and Sumi spar!

The power outage had not been enjoyable. He'd spent most of his time going between the plant and his messengers to try and keep any backlash from the other tribes calmed. Thankfully the power had returned late last night and he'd finally been able to collapse into bed just before dawn. It was so hot inside that it likely would have been more comfortable to have slept outside in the grass, but he was so exhausted that he couldn't forgo his mattress. He woke up late the next morning after only a handful of sleep, but he felt refreshed and he'd lived on less sleep before. His talk with Junk had really gotten to him. He'd already known the things that she said to him, but to hear another person say his fears out loud disturbed him even more. He showered and dressed, happy that by this time the lodge had cooled down considerably.

He went to the kitchen for a drink and an apple before heading to Sumi's room with one of the same of her. He knocked, and waited. He hadn't really seen her since he'd asked her to go to the Trading Post for him on Wednesday and he wanted to relax a little now that the power situation was back under control. If the plant was acting up this much during the heatwave he worried what a deep winter might hold in store for them.
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Mar. 22nd, 2011


Week 25 : Sunday

Who: Wolf and Libby
Where: ...?
When: Late afternoon
What: Getting caught in the rain
Rating: TBD
Status: Saving

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Week 24 : Friday

Who: Wolf and Libby
Where: The white house
When: Late afternoon to evening?
What: The heat isn't helping her broodiness; she snaps
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Closed/In the process of being written up

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Mar. 21st, 2011


Week Twenty Four -- Thursday

Who: Kenji and Christian
Where: By the river, west of the Trading Post
When: Early morning
Why: His things were stolen and he's upset about Sumi

One of his worst fears had come true; Sumi had rejected him. To make matters worse, he woke up the next morning to find one of his bags was missing. Kenji carried two bags with him, but only one of them at all times- the one with his clothes and personal things. He would often hide the other bag that was full of food, water, and other survival supplies wherever he could find a good place to do so. This system had worked out for him just fine the last couple of years, but no longer. Although the things in the stolen bag hadn't held emotional significance they'd been items necessary to his survival. Luckily he'd been sleeping with his head on his personal pack or it likely would have been taken too. He kicked around his camp for an hour, searching the area just in case. He was no tracker as all of his exploits in such matters had been in urban settings. He found nothing as he stomped around in a cloud of Japanese curses.

His affair with Christian had left him angry and confused, while his attempt to regain Sumi had left him completely drained and feeling hopeless; and now this had to happen. He packed what was left of his things and headed down the river a ways. He had no idea what he was going to do but he desperately needed a change of scenery from the campsite where his bag had been taken. He stopped just west of the Trading Post and collapsed onto the grass. He laid back and spread his arms out, trying to take deep breaths and contemplate what his options were. He could seek out a tribe to join, or try and find some physical labor that would pay but he had nothing to start with but the clothes on his back and the few trivial sentimental things. He laid there, wallowing in his confusion and dreading the oncoming heat of the day.


Week Twenty Five -- Wednesday -- Rolling Corral Open Rink Event

Who: Everyone who wants to attend, and can trade something small to enter!
Where: The Rolling Corral Skating Rink
When: Wednesday afternoon and late into the night
Why: Fun times and an opportunity to trade/mingle with others
((OOC: Please put your characters name and the names of other characters they are tagging into the subject line of your post. If your character's post is open or a narrative, put that in the subject instead.))

The Wolves had started working on the Rolling Corral the second year they'd inhabited the city. Surprisingly the place had stayed more or less intact; yet it still took them almost a year to get the place completely up and running. Once that happened it wasn't often used, and when it was it was usually only the Wolves who would go there. This was the first time they had opened up the place to the other tribes and Wolf could only hope that all would go smoothly.

The rink was cleaned and the snack bar was stocked with food and beverages that the guests could trade for. All of the lights were seen to be in working order, as well as the sound system. The doors opened in the early afternoon and were guarded by a few soldiers from the Wolves. The music was all old, but most of the guests hadn't heard it in years so in a way it was like new. The main rink had a polished wooden floor, and was surrounded by a low wall that had various breaks in it so that skates could come and go from the skate rental and snack bar areas. There was also plenty of space for people to sit or hang out, there were even some old arcade games near the tables that still worked and had been rigged to not need quarters.


Week 24 -- Wednesday

WHO: Sumi and Kenji
WHAT: Half-siblings meeting again face to face
WHERE: On the way back to the lodge from the Trading Post
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
RATING: PG-13 for angry yelling in Japanese?
STATUS: Complete

Sumi was feeling much better than she'd been feeling in a long time )
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Week Change

Weeks Twenty Four and Twenty Five- Sunday to Saturday

Month: Middle of July (11th-24th), Sunday to Saturday
Year: 2021

Week Twenty Four:

The heat wave continues into the beginning of this week, and the breezy days offer little relief. The Belle Fourche and the Trading Post are crowded places as people swim and seek other activities to take their minds off of the heat. The worst part for those living in Sundance who are lucky enough to have power is that the heat causes some malfunctions at the power plant and leaves the city and surrounding area without power for three days: Wednesday-Friday. It is not restored until late Friday night and this lack of electricity leaves people not only grumpy from the heat but results in food loss and concerns about the Jackals. Although the Jackals quickly mobilize messengers to let the other tribes know the cause of the outage there are still some people who speculate that the Jackals recent drop in trade prices was only a ruse to get people comfortable. Yet, when the power comes back on Friday and trade prices are still lower than usual people calm down and forget the incident within days. For some it's a sobering reminder of what most people outside of such secure tribes have to deal with on a daily basis.

The River Runners are hosting a fishing contest at the end of the Trading Post dock this Tuesday, winner gets to keep half of the total fish caught. Other than the contest and the general trading and milling that happens at the Trading Post the week is quiet and calm for Sundance.

Week Twenty Five:

The lower temperatures and high winds bring storm clouds into the area and Sundance is blessed with a series of much needed monsoons. The rain comes in the late afternoon from Sunday to Tuesday and leaves everything feeling clean and refreshed. Many people stay out in the rain, relieved that the heat wave is over. The general mood improves and the Wolves decide to open up the Rolling Corral rollerskating rink to the other tribes and anyone else who has something small and of value to gain admission. The event takes place on Wednesday afternoon and lasts late into the evening. Food and beverages are provided for minimal trade but skate rental is free with admission trade. Also, there are no weapons allowed and guards will be at every door to check.

Week Twenty Four Weather:

Sunday: 100 degrees with occasional gusts of wind.
Monday: 100 degrees, clear, calm.
Tuesday: 99 degrees, wisps of clouds.
Wednesday: 101 degrees, clear and calm.
Thursday: 103 degrees, slight breeze.
Friday: 101 degrees, slight breeze.
Saturday: 95 degrees and windy.

Week Twenty Five Weather:

Sunday: Very windy, cloudy and a low 85 degrees by the afternoon with rain starting around 4:30pm.
Monday: 79 degrees with fast moving clouds and brief moments of sunshine, very humid. Rain again in the late afternoon.
Tuesday: 78 degrees and pleasantly breezy with more rain clouds moving in in the early evening and rain throughout the night.
Wednesday: 80 degrees and slightly cloudy.
Thursday: 85 degrees and sunny.
Friday: 85 degrees, slightly cloudy.
Saturday: 83 and sunny.


Week Twenty Two -- Monday

Who: Grim and Femme
Where: Their camp outside Sundance
When: Monday morning
Why: Saying goodbye for now...

Grim awoke to the distinct feeling of empty space. He didn't have to open his eyes to know that Christian and Abaddon were both gone already. He laid there for a moment, letting his body relax against the cool earth beneath him. If he listened carefully enough he could still hear Famine's breathing and it comforted him. After a few moments he pushed himself to a sitting position, the sleeping bag falling to his waist as he rubbed sleep from his eyes. He looked to either side of him to see where Christian and Abaddon's sleeping bags had left the grass mussed. They hadn't made a complete camp the night before since they were so close to Sundance and didn't want to draw attention to themselves. He knew that it was best for them to enter as single strangers, but he never liked this part of their coming into a town. Even if they had to flee a trail of trouble and blood from a town they encountered at least they were able to leave together.

He shivered a little in the early morning light and slipped back down into his sleeping bag. He threw his weight to the right and rolled, sleeping bag and all, over to Famine's side. He was happy that she was still there with him and he wanted to spend what time he could with her before they too had to go their separate ways. He bumped gently up against her with his front as he laid on his side. Only his eyes and the top of his head showed from above the hem of his sleeping bag as he watched her awaken. "Good morning beautiful," he said with a hidden smile.
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Mar. 20th, 2011


Week Twenty Three -- Sunday

Who: Grim and OPEN farm Wolves or city Wolves passing through.
Where: Weeding one of the gardens
When: Early afternoon
Why: Trying to earn his keep

Grim wasn't used to hard labor of any kind, but he was trying to have a decent attitude about the things that the farm Wolves asked him to do for them. These people had taken him in and had more or less given him the benefit of the doubt. Little did they know that he was using them as a temporary respite from the road. He was almost never left alone, and they had good cause. His scythe had yet to be returned to him but he had made them promise to keep it safe. The day after he'd been caught he'd had to tell the Wolves about Eliot and Death. The woods were too dangerous to leave them there alone and he would have found it almost impossible to sneak out to feed and water them.

Even though he was assigned that afternoon to weed the very garden that he'd been caught stealing from, he was glad to do it as it would give him a few minutes alone. He'd untied Eliot's cage from his hip and sat it in the shady spot beside him. He would need to contact the others soon, but he wanted to earn some greater trust from these Wolves before he did. Jinx was obviously not among them, but he'd heard that half of their tribe lived in the city. They were a larger group than any of the other organized tribes he'd encountered along the way, and there was still the possibility that she could be in the city. He hadn't asked about her outright yet as he was waiting for a good opportunity. For now he would simply continue to play the wandering child card and see how things panned out.

He had been on his hands and knees for a good half before he glanced in the direction of his guard who was working the weeds closer to the fence and a good distance away. He laid back onto the rich earth to let his hands rest and wipe the sweat from his brow. He closed his eyes against the bright sun and pressed an upturned wrist to his brow. He was getting hungry, but didn't feel comfortable asking for food- he would wait until it was given him and then he would share it with Eliot.

Feb. 7th, 2011


Week 23- Saturday

Who: Misfit, Windchaser, Sparrow, Gemini, Swift, Hazard and anyone else who has met her
Where: Wolf Territory then Carrion Territory
When: Mid-Morning til the end of the day
What: Misfit is leaving Sundance and wants to say Good-bye to everyone
Rating: PG
Status: Open to all those who have met Misfit//In Progress

Misfit was sad to be leaving. She really had met some nice people here in Sundance. But the truth was, she wanted to go home. Maybe she would return, maybe she wouldn't, but she did want to at least say good-bye to the people who had helped her during her stay.

Since she was closest to the Wolves territory, she decided to start with Gemini, Sparrow and Windchaser. She especially wanted to say bye to Windchaser as well as thank you. She would have never known about herself and her body if it wasn't for her. Misfit owed her a lot more than words. OH, and Swift lived around there too! Misfit remembered him as being her first and most funniest customer in Sundance. Misfit held a big grin as she walked onto Wolf territory.

Bullet and Bandit walked on either side of her, flanker her and forever mindful of their surroundings. Misfit just skipped along, humming some tune she remembered her brother singing once a upon a time. "Hello! Anyone around?" Misfit shouted as she walked along, not quite at the farm grounds yet.


Saving for a thread with Bear

Feb. 6th, 2011


Saving for thread of catching the accompliace!


SAVING for a Palace thread!





Feb. 3rd, 2011


Week 23 Wednesday

Who: Windchaser and Wren
Where: Kitchens
When: Week 23 Wednesday evening
Why: Wind needs to squee

Windchaser had pretty much stalked Wren to the kitchens when she returned from being with Black Cat. She'd missed her best friend so much over the last few weeks apart from her rescue from Jed and their subsequent rather heavy drunk conversation at the Independence Day party, and right now she wanted to share how happy she was rather than as miserable as she'd been over the last months.

A trip to Honey's had provided her with a decent, though fairly spiky white wine and a less classy hit of moonshine and weed from Lucy had set them up for a decent giggly girly evening. They'd never been backwards about talking about anything and everything and Windchaser finally had something current to contribute. She was happy, really happy and she wanted to share that with Wren.

Feb. 2nd, 2011


Week 23 Wednesday

Who: Black Cat and Open
Where: Banks of the Belle Fourche
When: Week 23 Wednesday
Why: Just messing about by the river

With Wren back at the Wolves for a little while, Black Cat was taking a rest from the boat, having cleaned and tidied, to get outside and quit being domesticated. It disturbed him how easily he settled into it. He'd always been a clean and tidy person. He'd done the last part of his growing up sofa surfing to avoid sleeping on the streets and had learned that if you trashed the place you never got re invited and it seemed to suit Wren that he was anyway, and living in such a tiny space as a house boat with another person, and at some points in the last few weeks two others meant that it was better to be that way.

Now, he sat out in the sun, strumming random chords on his guitar, eyes half open as he relaxed in the sun. He was so content at the moment. His life seemed to be coming back together properly, for the first time since long before the virus. He had a roof over his head, that nominally enough belonged to him, he was happy, safe in a suitably hedonistic tribe and in love with someone that loved him. Life was good.


Week Twenty Three -- Monday

Who: Wolf and Gem
Where: Gem's new shop
When: Monday
Why: Wolf wants to see how things are going and lament over Libby and him.

Surprisingly, Wolf had not made it to Gemini's shop since it'd opened. He knew the exact building she'd been talking about that morning when she'd asked to open her shop and so on Monday morning he found his way there relatively easily. He'd went on foot so that he could see and contemplate more of the city than he usually saw from the back of his horse. Come to think of it, he hadn't seem much of Gem at all since the opening of her shop and since the whole Peri incident.

When he arrived he could tell just by looking at the outside that she'd done a lot of work to the place already. He was about to simply walk in the front door, but he wasn't sure that it worked that way, considering that Gem not only worked there but lived there now. So, he knocked on the front door and took a step back to look up at the building again.
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Week Twenty Two --Friday

Who: Jax and Junk
Where: The Mine
When: Friday morning
Why: Jax hasn't been by in awhile and he's responding to her note

Jax really needed to get his head out of the clouds. There was work to be done and Junk's note had been just the kind of reminder he needed. It was unlike to have left a project like the one he'd assigned Junk, alone for so long. It had been ages since he'd been by to check on her progress and have a chat. He liked Junk, but he liked even more what she'd promise to do for him. He left for the mine the morning after he'd received her note. He had a lot of things lined up for the day and he wanted to get this done. He was anxious for the encounter he had planned with Lawliss this evening.

He rode his horse to the mine, having left the lodge a couple of hours after sunrise he made it there with plenty of time left to spare. He spoke briefly with the guards he ran into at the main gate. Thankfully they had nothing suspicious to report to him, and in a few minutes he was riding through the gate. They closed and locked it behind him. He rode almost to her front door before he dismounted and left his horse to nibble at the stray shoots of grass that dotted the otherwise almost barren landscape of the mine property. He knocked on Junk's door, hoping that he wasn't there too early.
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Week Twenty Two -- Friday

Who: Jax and Lawliss
Where: Lawliss' room
When: Friday evening
Why: He heard something interesting...

Jax had been too busy for one reason or another to have worried too much about Lawliss' apparent absence. When he'd asked all he'd heard was that the other man was sick. Lawliss never got sick, and so Jax knew that something was up. While he could have easily killed those that lied to him, or pressed for more information he chose to wait for Lawliss to come to him. That is, until he heard that Lawliss had had a run in with someone from one of the other tribes. Jax was irate that he couldn't get any more details than that and as soon as he had the chance he decided to head to Lawliss' room to pay his friend and colleague a visit to see what was up.

It surprised him that it wasn't until Friday that he found time to take care of things. He'd let himself become distracted by Sumi and the new developments in their relationship. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but he was a little uncomfortable with the lack of focus he had lately. The Jackals weren't that strong at the moment and with his ever loosening control things were more precarious than perhaps even he realized or was willing to admit.

He waited until late Friday evening to come knocking on Lawliss' door. He hoped that this wouldn't be similar to his encounter with Mac the other day. He could always trust Lawliss, and he wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Whereas Mac had had a series of events that lead to the way in which he'd dealt with her, Jax was unsure what to expect from Lawliss.
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Week Twenty Three -- Friday

Who: Jax and Jed
Where: The Winter Camp
When: Late Friday morning
Why: Planning for the winter

Jax was not in the mood for diplomacy, but he had to do it sooner or later and it was too much of a hassle to reschedule. He reached the camp long before Jed to dismiss the guard and take another look around. He hadn't been back there in quite a while and wanted to have some idea of what needed to be done before Jed arrived. His issues with Lawliss and Mac had thrown him somewhat off kilter, though at least he no longer had to worry about Danny. If only she'd been willing to assimilate like the other few remaining members of her old tribe then maybe she could have stuck around. Nonetheless, she was one less thing on his mind and that was good enough for him.

The sooner he got this over with Jed the better, he still had rounds to make today. He felt like he had been too lax with his tribemates- no, his soldiers lately, and it was time to make a statement- let people know that he was still in charge. After that, there was always an evening spent with Sumi to look forward to. She was like a bright light at the end of a dark tunnel that kept trying to close in on him no matter how firmly he held the walls up around himself. He sat on the grass near the dock, awaiting Jed's arrival and thinking of how he was going to discuss generating more efficient power to the winter camp with Ratchet later.
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Week 23 Sunday

Who: Swift and Pan
Where: Pan's boat
When: Week 23 Sunday
Why: Talking out an idea

Swift had been playing with an idea for weeks his recent plans for Libby's wardrobe had only strengthened the idea. A boutique, with everything he could scare up or make, to bring a little sparkle back to Sundance, and bring the working side of the community together, the little leather worker, all the designers and material workers, any jewellers, anyone who made bags or shoes, made perfume, or make up, worked with hair. He had faith he could do it, he always had, after all drag was hardly high street.

While ever he was working he was happy, and yes he may not ever be able to be Lola again out here, because it would pull his supplies apart and to make it work properly he'd have to work with others, but then he always had played well with others and it would make life much more fun. But there was always the other question, was he prepared to work alone? And that was what he was doing here, because if he wanted to work with anyone it was someone who seemed to understand him as well as Pan did.

One massive problem...if Pan wanted in, but then Pan had seemed fragile and like he needed a lift, maybe this was it...he could only say no
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Week Twenty Two -- Thursday

Who: Pan and Kahea
Where: Pan's boat
When: Thursday afternoon
Why: They need to talk

Pan hadn't left his boat much since the 4th of July party and the night he'd spent with Swift. His time with Swift had been wonderful,but the morning after had left him feeling more vulnerable and ashamed than he had in a while. Most of the time he kept himself in a drug-induced stupor and slept most of the day away. However, he was quickly running out of supplies and didn't trust himself to be blazed out of his mind while trying to keep track of his goods at the Trading Post.

When he woke up that morning he ate the last scraps of food that he had and tried to keep it down with almost a gallon of water. As the afternoon rolled around he managed to put on a pair of shorts and crawl outside to lay in the sun. He had a pounding headache and his body was sore, but the warmth felt good and lulled him into a daydream as he laid upon the deck with one of his hands hanging over the edge.
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Jan. 25th, 2011


Week 23 -- Thursday

Who: Sway, Trigger, & Smith
What: Meeting the BFF!
When: Afternoon
Where: Trading Post
Rating: PG
Status: In Progress

Sway made her way to the trading post, hoping she actually had something worth trading. She mostly went because she wanted to get a feel for the place, get used to how things worked. She didn't expect it to be so busy, so buzzing with life. It was actually a relief. It reminded her of home for a moment, where everything was fast, loud, pushy, and everyone was trying to get the best for their dollar. She loved it.

Glancing around, she wondered if she could trade favors for favors. Maybe she could do errands or help out around another tribe in exchange for them teaching her some stuff that would make her more useful to her own. She was still worried that Hawk and Kestral would change their minds and kick her out on her ass for not being productive enough. She hadn't gotten that vibe from them, it was her own insecurity talking. She had been raised a rich kid, sure, but since her parents had never been around, she was mostly raised by people who taught her the importance of singing for your supper. That, and she wasn't used to not having something to do constantly. There was plenty of work around the tribe, but she didn't have the skills to help with everything. It was something she desperately wanted to change.

Sway was so lost in her thoughts as she looked through things people were offering for trade, she didn't even notice when she walked straight into a young man. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed immediately, then gave him a sheepish grin, "Usually I'm more graceful."

Jan. 24th, 2011


Week Twenty Two - Thursday

Who: Scotch and ??? (OPEN)
What: Scotch finally ventures out properly by himself...
When: late morning/early Afternoon
Where: Trading Post
Rating: PG?
Status: In Progress/Open

It had been several days since his birthday, and after some long talks with Shine, Scotch had decided to venture out on his own. Shine was looking after the kids for the day.
He knew he should have, properly, done it sooner but every time he had even thought about it he had felt twitchy and just wanted to become even more like a recluse. He had kind of liked it just being him, Shine and the kids, without having to try and talk or interact with other people... but even with his screwed up and fragile mental state, Scotch knew it wasn't healthy or practical.

It had started small, exploring the Carrion's territory and getting to know the layout. At first with either Shine and/or one or both of the kids tagging along but eventually by himself... at least, he was finally over his unease with the hospital now. He found himself liking the junkyard and wondered if - he put his mind to it - he could perhaps find something there to keep himself occupied... who knew. He had even started drawing again, thanks to the birthday present Shine had got him.

But today... Today was different. He had ventured outside the territory a few times with Shine - either alone or with the kids in tow - but this was the first time he had gone out by himself. And wasn't the niggling feeling in the back of his mind and his paranoia making him aware of that fact. He even thought he might have been a bit twitchy.

Scotch didn't mean to end up at the Trading Post, not really... he hadn't actually had an idea of where he was going but had ended up there anyway. Maybe it was because he had been there a few times already. Whatever the reason, he had bypassed the stalls and settled at the base of a tree. The, somewhat, haphazardly put together sketchbook, Shine had given him, resting on his bent knees and he absently started to sketch the view in front of him.
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Jan. 20th, 2011


Thursday, week 22

Pinned to Jax's office door Thursday afternoon week 22 )
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